Aims & Objectives

Of the ATDC

That the cars, vans, taxis and light trucks covered by the Austin Ten Drivers Club -  Austin vehicles from 1931 to 1939 in the horsepower classes 10 to 28 – continue to be seen and enjoyed in use on the roads. These vehicles are not rare or delicate antiques and thrive on regular use.


Our aims are to:-

◦ Drive our Austin cars and for them to be seen in regular use on the road
◦ Maintain, preserve in original condition, or restore them to as near original condition as practicable.
◦ Organise activities and take part in events that encourage the use of our Austin cars
◦ Collect, preserve and make available relevant records
◦ Provide services and advice to ATDC members to assist in these aims
◦ Work with other organisations that share some of these aims, in particular with other Austin clubs
◦ Have fun.

Owners and drivers of Austin “Specials” are welcome as these are Club eligible cars that would otherwise have become scrap or which have a long provenance as a “Special”.


The formal objectives of ATDC are:-

  • To propagate and foster interest in Austin Ten motor cars manufactured 1932-39 and Austin motor cars of more than Ten horsepower manuactured between 1st January 1931 and 31st December 1939
  • To encourage and assist in the preservation and restoration of such vehicles
  • To compile and collect relevant records appertaining to such vehicles
  • To organise such social and motor functions as may be desirable to further these objectives.
Diamond Jubilee Event Booking Form
Booking Form online

January Magazine
JAN mag is now OUT

Board Minutes Aug & Oct
Minutes of committee meetings