Mid 1933 10/4 steering box removal

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Mid 1933 10/4 steering box removal

Post by GaryCullen » Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:27 am

I need to remove my steering box to the bench to address a persistent grease/oil seepage coming from the casing opposite the output shaft. I can’t quite see the area but by feel there is some sort of rounded cap pressed into the casing, hence the seepage.
I have most items associated removed or loosened but I cannot get the drag link off the box output shaft.
I have tried heat but may be not enough.
Anyway does the box, including the long inner and outer shaft that goes through the firewall to the steering wheel come out through the bottom?


Austin ollis
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:51 pm

Re: Mid 1933 10/4 steering box removal

Post by Austin ollis » Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:59 pm

hi Gary
Yes steering wheel off, trafficator switch off, draw the cables out from the bottom, disconnect from steering rack, undo the two bolts holding it to the chassis and the coulomb will draw out trough the engine bay

Regards Austin Ollis

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Re: Mid 1933 10/4 steering box removal

Post by GaryCullen » Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:15 pm

Thanks Austin Ollis,

I still have the box bolted to the chassis but I cant get the drop arm off the gearbox output shaft, which is splined.
This needs to be removed before removing the gear box from the chassis I would think?
I am guessing it has been some time since it was last off and has probably corroded itself on or just tight from mechanical pressure from the big nut,
The nut was very tight and took some loosening.

I'll try a little more heat.


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Re: Mid 1933 10/4 steering box removal

Post by GaryCullen » Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:09 pm

Managed to get the Steering box out.
I had to disassemble the bottom ball joint from the steering box output shaft drop link, remove the right hand end of the steering drag link and let it drop down, remove the starter motor, remove the brackets that hold the two terminal blocks, remove the oil filler tube and undo the oil pressure line.
This allowed the box to lift up sufficiently to roll it over the chassis member ( to clear the drop arm still attached ) and out and down it came.
Now I can get it on the bench disassemble further and hope fully deal to the grease/oil seepage coming from the casing.
Now I can see the side that leaks I can see what appears to be the other end of the output shaft poking through and flush with the casing.
Not a very good design this as oil will eventually seep through. There might be room inside to fit an O ring up against the casing.
we will see.


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Re: Mid 1933 10/4 steering box removal

Post by GaryCullen » Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:26 pm

Further to my inspection of the steering box.
I took the casing that houses the worm gear off and discovered that what I thought was the end of the out put shaft is actually a hardened steel boss, it was loose and could be turned with fingers. I think this boss is supposed to be a press fit into the aluminium casing preventing seepage. The inside cap which is a flat machined area presses on the worm gear centre which also has a machined flat area.
The boss was loose, hence the seepage, so I carefully pin punched some detents around the perimeter on the casing, applied some JB weld and pressed the boss back in.
Reassembled and installed back in the car, filled the box with oil grease mix ( same as what I used in the gearbox of my 1946 Ariel VB600 ) and so far after 24 hours no leak… but time will tell.
Interestingly the factory quantity of adjustment shims , 4 sets of each, were still fitted to the steering box. There is no discernible steering shaft end play or steering wheel play greater than about an inch at the perimeter of the steering wheel.
Seems apart from the seepage the wear in this steering box is at a minimum.
Auckland VAR

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