Interior trim

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Interior trim

Post by BrianEvans » Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:34 pm

Hi everyone, could anyone give me a ball park figure to re-trim the interior of a 1937 Austin 10 Cambridge,to include head lining ,and carpets .
Thank you
Brian & Jo

Ivor Hawkins
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Re: Interior trim

Post by Ivor Hawkins » Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:38 pm

I think everyone is shying away from this question, because to do the job properly you need to have quality leather facings with as near as possible pre war style grain, matching leathercloth trim panels, West of England cloth headlining and the correct carpet and it doesn’t come cheap, but you will regret it it if you don’t do it right.

However, if you just want something practical and serviceable you could save a fairly sizeable chunk of money.

I’ll stick my neck out and say “a proper job” in leather and West of England with the original style carpet would cost about £4,000. You could save perhaps £1,000 by going for the cheaper option.

With the help of a professional trimmer doing the difficult work for me and producing a “kit” for me and doing my own headlining and rubber mats I trimmed my Seven in best quality leather for about £3,000, but my entire original trim was total scrap or missing altogether, so I had no choice but to retrim.

If your Cambridge has any of its original trim surviving, I would always urge saving as much of it as is humanly possible, even the most tatty looking trim can be revived and I would always choose battered original trim over new.

I will now try and add a picture of my trim job…but I may be some time!

Sorry, I’ve just discovered you can only add images to the club section of the forum.

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Re: Interior trim

Post by peter_winney » Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:37 am

Ivor Hawkins wrote:
Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:38 pm
I will now try and add a picture of my trim job…but I may be some time!

Sorry, I’ve just discovered you can only add images to the club section of the forum.
you should be able to post photos in public are as well as members area. I have PMd you to ask you to email info on your difficulties to assist diagnosis.
Peter W
PS - photo is of a car in Holland - not mine alas :mrgreen:

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Re: Interior trim

Post by tinselresult » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:38 am

Thank you for sharing your insights into the intricate world of car restoration, particularly when it comes to the interior trim. Your detailed explanation highlights the importance of quality materials and craftsmanship in achieving an authentic and lasting result.

It's evident that you've invested both time and thought into the process, balancing practicality with a commitment to preserving the original character of the vehicle. Your cost breakdown and the option to save money for a more practical approach provide valuable considerations for those embarking on a similar journey.

Your experience with retrimming your Seven, including the collaboration with a professional trimmer, adds a personal touch to the narrative. The emphasis on saving original trim, even in its worn state, reflects a genuine appreciation for the history and character embedded in the vehicle.

If you do manage to share a picture of your trim job in the club section, it would undoubtedly be a visual delight for fellow enthusiasts. Thank you for contributing your knowledge and experience to the community.

Ivor Hawkins
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Re: Interior trim

Post by Ivor Hawkins » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:20 pm

For some reason, I can only post photographs in the main part of the forum open to Austin Ten Drivers Club members, but I believe the powers that be are trying to see if I can post the shots here.

I have photographs of the seats, the door trims and the headlining, which I’m sure will be of interest!

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