front off side wing needed

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front off side wing needed

Post by robertT » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:19 pm

Already put this on the facebook group, but there's no harm in adding it here as well
This morning the garage rang me to tell me Po had been in an accident, she was at the garage for a MOT style check (MOT without the paperwork) and brake adjustment. they took it for a final test drive after adjustments and when turning right(with semaphore and arm out) someone tried to overtake, making a mess of the front wing and minor damage to the rear wing and running board and breaking the door mirror and trafficator, rear wing and running board are simple panel beating, They've admitted liability and the driver/garage will pay for everything. I will need a new (pair of) trafficators and mirrors and the front wing should really be replaced if possible.
So does anyone have a front offside wing in good condition for a '33 10/4 Chrome Rad in good condition (I have a number of offers, but until they are physical parts in my hands they are imaginary)?

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