The scheme is operated through specified car clubs that are recognised by the DVLA as having the expertise to identify particular car marques and models. In normal times the V765 Scheme requires input and certification of original documents and inspection of the vehicle organised through the recognised club. This process is rendered impossible by the current anti-covid measures.
Due to coronavirus (Covid-19) the DVLA has suspended most of its activities offline that are not essential. Advice on services offered by DVLA can be found on the Federation Of British Historic Vehicles Clubs (FBHVC) website at
The DVLA advises
If you currently have an application under the V765 Scheme that is stuck in the system please do not blame your motor club.Paper applications sent to our office in Swansea will take longer to process as they must be dealt with in person on site, where we are working with reduced numbers to meet social distancing requirements. If you’ve already made an application we will process this and return any documentation as quickly as possible.